How To Make Mini Dhalai Mixer Machine From Cardboard .

How To make Mini Dhalai Mixer Machine From Cardboard .

To make a mini Dhalai (or “Dough Mixing”) machine from cardboard, you can create a simple mock-up or a functioning model for a craft or educational project. While a cardboard mixer won’t actually mix heavy dough like an industrial machine, it can serve as a basic visual or mechanical model. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making a mini Dhalai Mixer Machine from cardboard.

Materials Required:

  • Cardboard (for the frame and components)
  • Scissors or a craft knife
  • Hot glue gun or tape
  • Small motor (optional, if you want it to rotate)
  • Plastic or cardboard tube (for the drum or mixing barrel)
  • Paper clips, skewers, or small sticks (for mixing paddles)
  • Electrical wires (if using a motor)
  • Button or switch (for turning the motor on and off, optional)
  • Paint or markers for decoration

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Create the Base

  • Cut a piece of cardboard large enough to serve as the base for the machine. This will hold the mixer drum and motor (if used).
  • Make sure it’s sturdy, as the weight of the components will rest on it.

2. Make the Mixing Drum (Container)

  • Cut a piece of cardboard into a large rectangular shape. Roll it into a tube to form the outer wall of the mixing drum.
  • Tape or glue the ends of the cardboard together to form the circular drum.
  • For the lid, cut a circular piece of cardboard to fit the top of the drum. Make a hole in the center for the rotating shaft (if you are using a motor).

3. Create the Mixing Paddles

  • Use small sticks, paper clips, or thin cardboard strips to create mixing paddles inside the drum. You can cut small pieces of cardboard and bend them to form the paddles.
  • Glue them to a rotating shaft (skewer or stick) that will spin within the drum.

4. Add the Motor or Manual Rotation Mechanism

  • Motorized Version:
    • Attach a small DC motor to the base of the mixer (you can find small motors at electronics or hobby stores).
    • Use electrical wires to connect the motor to a battery pack or use a switch to turn it on and off.
    • Attach the motor shaft to the rotating shaft of the mixer drum using glue or tape.
    • When powered, the motor will rotate the drum, mimicking the mixing process.
  • Manual Version (no motor):
    • If you want to manually rotate the drum, attach a small handle or a crank on the side of the drum.
    • You can use a pencil or stick through the drum and have it rotate by turning it manually.

Make Mini Dhalai Mixer Machine From Cardboard

5. Build the Frame

  • Create a frame for the machine using cardboard. Cut and glue cardboard strips to form a box or stand that holds the drum upright and allows it to rotate freely.
  • Secure the mixing drum into the frame, ensuring that it can rotate smoothly without being obstructed.

6. Decorate and Finalize

  • Paint or decorate your cardboard mixer to make it look more realistic. You can use markers, paint, or colored paper to cover the cardboard.
  • If you’re using the machine for a project or display, add labels or buttons to enhance its appearance.

7. Test the Mechanis

  • For the motorized version, insert batteries and test the mixer. The motor should cause the drum to spin, and the paddles will mix ingredients (though this will only be a visual effect in this cardboard version).
  • For the manual version, turn the crank and observe the drum spinning.


  • If you are using the mixer for a demonstration, make sure the drum is not too heavy to rotate.
  • You can experiment with different sizes of paddles or drum sizes depending on the scale of the project.
  • If you want it to be more realistic, try using plastic for the drum instead of cardboard to make it more durable.

This cardboard Dhalai mixer will not be functional for actual dough mixing, but it can be a fun and educational project to demonstrate basic mechanical principles!

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