How To Make Mini Ship Project From Ice Cream Sticks

Creating a mini ship project from ice cream sticks is a fun and creative craft activity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build your own miniature ship:

Materials Needed for Mini Ship Project

  • Ice cream sticks (popsicle sticks)
  • Hot glue gun or craft glue
  • Scissors or a small saw
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Sandpaper (optional, for smoothing edges)
  • Paint and brushes (optional, for decoration)
  • Small piece of cloth or paper (for the sail)
  • String or thread (for the mast)
  • Cardboard or thin wood (for the base, optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Prepare the Base of the Ship

  • Lay down 5-7 ice cream sticks side by side to form the base of the ship.
  • Glue two sticks horizontally across the bottom to hold them together. These will act as the support beams.
  • Let the glue dry completely.

2. Build the Sides of the Ship

  • Take two ice cream sticks and bend them slightly by soaking them in warm water for a few minutes (this makes them flexible).
  • Glue the bent sticks vertically along the edges of the base to form the sides of the ship. Hold them in place until the glue dries.

3. Create the Deck

  • Cut ice cream sticks to fit the length of the base and glue them horizontally across the top to form the deck.
  • Leave some space at the front and back for the bow and stern.

Make Mini Ship Project From Ice Cream Sticks

4. Shape the Bow and Stern

  • For the bow (front of the ship), cut a small piece of an ice cream stick and glue it at an angle to create a pointed shape.
  • For the stern (back of the ship), you can leave it flat or add a small vertical stick for detail.

5. Build the Mast

  • Cut a longer ice cream stick or use a wooden skewer for the mast.
  • Glue the mast vertically in the center of the deck. Make sure it’s secure.

6. Add the Sail

  • Cut a small piece of cloth or paper into a rectangular or triangular shape for the sail.
  • Punch two small holes at the top and bottom of the sail.
  • Thread a piece of string or thread through the holes and tie it to the mast.

7. Add Details

  • Use smaller pieces of ice cream sticks to create railings, ladders, or other decorative elements.
  • You can also paint the ship in your desired colors or add designs like portholes or flags.

8. Optional: Create a Stand

  • If you want your ship to stand upright, glue it to a small piece of cardboard or thin wood as a base.


  • Be patient with the glue and allow each part to dry before moving on to the next step.
  • Use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges for a polished look.
  • Get creative with your design—add more masts, sails, or even tiny figures to personalize your ship.

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